Learn how to FINALLY break through from DESTRUCTIVE patterns that sabotage your business and life.

The most valuable asset we all have is time.

You want to make sure you use it wisely, So let me assure you that I’m not wasting yours.

I built the Next Level Experience over the past 7 years to be for a specific type of man…

The businessman.

But not just any businessman…

The businessman who knows that he is on this earth on a MISSION.

He knows that there is a PRICE to pay for SUCCESS and he’s not afraid to PAY IT.

He’s lived on the EDGE for his entire life and he’s not afraid to take risks.

Sometimes he wins big, sometimes he falls on his face.

But he is DETERMINED to get back up and keep going forward.

Because one thing he knows how to do is EXECUTE.

The problem with this type of man is that most people don’t understand his DRIVE.

He struggles to maintain the passion in his relationship with his wife.

He cares deeply for his children, and wants to lead and leave a LEGACY but he has a problem relating to their generation.

He was taught that HARD WORK and HUSTLE would always pay off in the end,

But despite seemingly HAVING IT ALL, he has a feeling of emptiness inside, and he is unknowingly sabotaging his life.

Little by little, day by day, he’s losing his EDGE.

And the more he succeeds in his business, the more feels trapped by it.
He’s been a WARRIOR all his life,

Now he’s become a SEDATED WARRIOR because he realizes what got him to where he is won’t get him to the next level.

If those sentences didn’t create a stabbing feeling in your gut, then this simply isn’t for you, and you should no longer waste your time reading this.

But if it did…

You can’t unfeel what you just felt….

The sting of the truth.

That burning feeling of guilt and shame when you know what you should be doing, but you’re not doing it.

So where does this man go to learn how to turn that pain and sabotage into FUEL for his certainty and confidence?

How does this man learn how to not just be a producer in his business, but a husband, father, and a LEADER?

You’ve probably tried a few of these things:

Reading self help books….

​Attending personal development seminars…

​Join a local CEO meeting group.
​Watching motivational videos online…

​Hired a coach or two…

​Attending a church men’s group..
Seeking professional help from a therapist

​Go to healing, meditation, or yoga retreats

The list could go on and on…

And something still led you to be reading this now.

Men who are PRODUCERS don’t want to sit through a boring seminar or read hundreds of pages of a book just to find out that 99% of the content doesn’t apply to them.

Let’s get real…

If you have had success in the past, you probably know more than most coaches and speakers that are teaching these courses.

The businessman that knows how to produce results is not looking for MOTIVATION or HYPE…

He just wants to know how to KEEP HIS SHIT TOGETHER.

The questions that we get from the men that come into our brotherhood are...

How do I continue to PRODUCE RESULTS in my business without BURNING my marriage and kids to the ground?

How do I maintain my FIRE and my PASSION in every area of my life?

How do I find PURPOSE in what I do, not just grind for the money?

How do I stop the self-destructive thoughts that sabotage my life on a daily basis?

How do I stop operating out of FEAR and SCARCITY even though I’m more successful than I’ve ever been before?

How do I stop the vicious cycle of wanting more every time, and feeling like I’m never enough, no matter how hard I work?

I’m willing to bet you haven’t figured the answer to those questions yet.

These are not addressed in your average self-help seminar.

Even if you asked these questions they wouldn’t know how to relate.

Most people are trying to figure out how to get to YOUR LEVEL.

But you are looking for the NEXT LEVEL.

The TRUTH is that you don’t have TIME to try to FIGURE this out on your own.

It’s not like your kids or wife are sitting around waiting for you to find yourself.

Every day, they expect you to show up for them as their leader, but you show up as a SEDATED WARRIOR.

Here’s the hard truth that punches every single man I speak to in the gut:
Everyone else will be impressed by your SUCCESS in your business and tell you what you want to hear, EXCEPT THEM.

They will tell you the TRUTH. You are a ONE TRICK PONY.
You know how to PRODUCE in your business but you don’t know how to LEAD your FAMILY.
That’s the reason I’ve designed this event strategically for those men who know that they need an EXPERIENCE, not just information.

So, as much as you scale the business, hire employees, or double revenue, it will NEVER solve the problem.

What do most men do when they realize this?

They trap themselves in a cycle of trying to PLEASE EVERYONE, which ultimately drains their CERTAINTY and PASSION.

This is the true pandemic we’re experiencing in the world right now…

The pandemic of men that are DRIFTING through life SEDATED…

It’s killed more men than any disease ever will…

Did you know men make up almost 60% of suicides in the United States?

It’s because we have no one to connect with.

We have no friends or family at our level in business…

We have no other businessmen around us that we can speak to...

Even therapists can’t relate because they have NO IDEA what it’s like to live our lives.

The life of a businessman that is looking for PURPOSE.

Where does a businessman go to get all of this off his chest?

Where can you go to find other men you can relate with?

This has been the mission of the Next Level Experience since we started 7 years ago.

To create a BROTHERHOOD and community where businessmen can go to find their CERTAINTY, POWER, and DETERMINATION, even when it seems impossible to find.

To create a brotherhood of businessmen who can understand each other’s problems like no one else could.

I want to make this clear:

This isn’t a group of men that just sit around and talk about their problems and sing “Kum ba yah.”

These are not broken men….

These are men who are ready to BREAK THROUGH!

This is an exclusive, and highly private group of businessmen who don’t just talk about their problems, but help each other overcome them.

These men are not looking for a SEMINAR or a BOOK to READ.

They want an EXPERIENCE so they can BREAKTHROUGH.

And not just any EXPERIENCE.

A TAILORED, PERSONALIZED EXPERIENCE that will help solve your specific problem.

If you wanted a tailored suit, you wouldn’t go to Macy’s, right?

Macy’s has some fine suits, but they are made for the MASSES.

Most personal development seminars are a cookie-cutter approach for the masses.

They go for volume, and they don’t care if you just fantasize about changing your life or if you actually make lasting change.

They just want butts in seats.

This experience is tailor-made just for men like you.

The EDGE Bootcamp is a three-day experience for the businessman who is looking to find their unique CODE to create CERTAINTY, DETERMINATION, and INCREASE their CAPACITY to LEAD.

The boot camp experience is catered to a small group of hand-picked individuals who go through a thorough interview process to make sure that they are the right fit.

Every man is vetted through the same process you will go though to attend this event. 

This protects the quality of the community.

Be ready to get REAL and RAW about your life and the RESULTS you want.

Three days will feel like three weeks because of the intensity and the attention our team puts into these events.

We will take you through multiple processes to break through the walls that are sabotaging your business and life.

The methods that we use will not be disclosed to the participants because that is part of the experience.

Learning to be comfortable with being uncomfortable is key to increasing your certainty.

We will use multiple modalities and processes to create an ACTION PLAN that will give you your BLUEPRINT to INTEGRATE into your business and your personal life.

After experiencing the EDGE boot camp, you will know exactly what your CODE to the EDGE is and you will be part of an EXCLUSIVE COMMUNITY of businessmen who are living on the EDGE and will be supporting your journey.

Click the button below to apply for this experience, and join the community of high level businessmen who will not just support you as you go through your experience, but will be a key part in your growth.

This will not be a cookie-cutter event. When it comes to CREATING A BREAKTHROUGH, one size does not fit all.
For over a decade I have trained entrepreneurs and high performers not just how to excel in business but in how to succeed in all areas of life.

To stop learning how to balance and compartmentalize, and start INTEGRATING the EDGE into everything they DO.

My journey started when I lost my edge.
I was a warrior in the real estate world. I did more by age 30 than most people do in their whole lives.
Then the crash of 2008 took it all away.

But I was still a warrior. Through hard work and persistence I was able to earn it all back.
I thought being able to bounce back from adversity was what it meant to have the EDGE.

But it wasn’t.
Even though I was on top of the world in my business, with a happy wife and two beautiful children at home, I was just going through the motions.

My problem turned into a PHYSICAL PAIN.
I went to a dozen doctors and specialists, and they all insisted that nothing was wrong with me and it was all in my HEAD. I did what every man learned to do when we are FACED with challenges.

I numbed the pain with ALCOHOL.

It lasted over a YEAR until I made the CHOICE to figure out what was wrong with me.
I traveled all over the world and spent over half a million dollars looking for answers.
What I found was EVERY MAN will go through this stage in their life.
It’s called the TUNNEL.

This is where you find THE EDGE.

I’ve spent the last decade working with entrepreneurs and high performers and teaching them my version of what I learned traveling the world learning from the biggest names in business, personal development, the flow state, psychology, and emotional fitness.
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